We are pleased to have Serge Tiroche interviewed in the report of the South African Art Market Pricing and Patterns by Corrigall & Co.
This report offers an in-depth look at Africa's dominant art capitals in South Africa; Cape Town and Johannesburg. How the art ecosystems in these cities are structured and their individual character is mapped and quantified. An analysis of the gallery landscape and the exhibition patterns as well as the pricing in the primary art market is the main feature.
This report will assist collectors, curators, gallerists, art fair directors an in-depth view into the art market, the positioning of all the galleries in these two major African art capitals. How value is generated and contemporary art is priced in the gallery, art fair and auction circuits in South Africa is featured.
This 88 Page report includes the following;
- A list of the main museums, galleries, art foundations, the validating sectors in Cape Town and Joburg.
- A map of the Joburg and Cape Town art ecosystem(s) and analysis of the structure.
- The status of galleries in South Africa's art market - according to a tiered system.
- Price patterns in the exhibition, art fair and auction circuits - along artist and gallery status lines.
- List of artists who demanded the highest prices in South Africa during 2018.